Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

TASK 3 SOFTSKILL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1 "Cover Letter (Surat Lamaran) dan CV"

Nama : Adiza Larasati
NPM  2B216913
Kelas : 3EB19 (Transfer)
Tugas : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 # (Tugas 3)

A. Berikut ini adalah contoh surat lamaran dalam bahasa inggris !

Jakarta, 19 December 2018

Attention To:
Human Resources Department
PT Pertamina (Persero)
Gedung Perwira 6 Lantai 2 
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 1A, 
Jakarta Pusat

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have read from your job vacancy advertisement at Suara Merdeka on 25 November 2018 and I found that your company is looking for employees for “Accounting and Finance Staff” position. I believe the job is fit with my educational background and thus I found myself qualified for the job.
My name is Adiza Larasati. I am twenty three years old and I am a fresh graduate from Accounting Department of Gunadarma University on September this year with predicate “Very Satisfactory” and GPA 3,50 (Scale 4). I have the qualifications that you want for the job. I have excellent motivation for progress and growing, I can work both in a team and by myself, and most importantly I eager to learn. 
Besides the basic knowledge I have from my educational background, I also have a good computer skill and I can communicate in English, both spoken and written.
With all the qualifications I mentioned above, I am confident that I can contribute effectively to your company. Herewith this letter I enclose my:
1.      Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate and Academic Transcript.
2.      Curriculum Vitae.
3.      Recent photograph with size of 4×6

I appreciate your attention and I hope I can join your company soon and be the part of it.

Sincerely Yours,

Adiza Larasati

B. Berikut ini adalah contoh CV dalam Bahasa Inggris:

click to see details

Note: Data di atas hanyalah untuk keperluan tugas


Nama : Adiza Larasati
NPM  2B216913
Kelas : 3EB19 (Transfer)
Tugas : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 # (Tugas 2)


A.    Definition
Order Letter is a letter from the prospective buyer to the seller requesting a quote. That is, the prospective buyer requested via mail order sellers officially bid him. With the offer of the seller will prospective buyers will know the price, terms of sale and purchase, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of prospective buyers to write a letter of request to the seller offers. When a potential buyer already knows the condition of the goods / services following the sale price and terms of the purchase, he would no longer need to request quotes from the seller.

Order Letter is required in formal trade deals that require official procedures formally in writing. A large company as the seller, for example, is not to just serve requests for quotations by telephone. Letters often quote request an early stage of the process business transactions. By letter of prospective buyers ask quote request or request information about the goods or services to be purchased. As a reaction, the seller to explain things that want the buyer make the order and ultimately business transactions as the peak buying and selling process.
Remember that all relevant information should be given in the order letter. This is a more business-like and of course help to prevent a read error to draw up a table of items needed. As a guide to draft a letter order you must meet:

1.      Reference to a source of information (referensi untuk sumber informasi)
2.      List of produk to be ordered (daftar produk untuk di pesan)
3.   Quantity, quality, price, catalogue number (if any) (kuantitas, kualitas, harga, nomor catalog (jika ada))
4.      Details of delivery and payment (detail pengantaran dan pembayaran)
5.      An order number (nomor pesanan)

B. Examples:
1.      ORDER LETTER  tentang bisnis di bidang penyediaan “Alat Berat”
click to see details

2.      REPLY OF THE ORDER LETTER (Order Confirmation Letter)  tentang bisnis di bidang penyediaan “Alat Berat”
click to see details

Note: Data diatas hanyalah contoh untuk keperluan tugas kuliah semata. Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan.


Nama : Adiza Larasati
NPM  2B216913
Kelas : 3EB19 (Transfer)
Tugas : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 # (Tugas 1)


A. Definition 

Inquiry Letter is a letter written to request information and/or ascertain its authenticity. A letter of inquiry deals with various matters like job vacancies, funding, grants, scholarships, projects, sales, pre-proposals and others. 
The term ‘Inquiry’ is same as ‘Enquiry’. The former is more commonly used in U.S. and the latter one is more common in U.K. There are some other terms which represent the letters; these are Letter of IntentLetter of InterestQuery letterProspecting Letter, Pre-proposal Letter and Concept Paper. The term ‘Cover Letter’, ‘Business Letter’, ‘Request Letter’ and ‘Sales Letter’ is also applied to an inquiry letter especially when the objective is same as that of letter for inquiry.
A letter of inquiry serves to facilitate business operations and satisfaction of the sender. Inquiry letters remove any misunderstanding and are time savers, especially when two parties want to reach an understanding. The communication towards this effect resolves the issue without any delay. With relation to it being a ‘Pre-proposal letter’, the inquiry letter is also termed as a ‘Condensed Version of a Proposal’. It is the outcome of the purpose of the letter which highlights the points of a proposal instead of a full-fledged proposal.
On an individual’s basis, these letters are sent to companies that are willing to hire but haven't advertised job openings. It can also be a letter addressed to editor in-charge of a publication proposing certain literary work. It can be a letter from a student who is vying for a seat in a college or a business that provides an internship. So, the objective of an enquiry letter is same but its projections and audiences are different. Same goes for its method of delivery, it can be sent via paper mail or electronic mail.

 B. Examples
  1.      INQUIRY LETTER tentang bisnis di bidang penyediaan “Alat Berat”
click to see details

2. REPLY OF THE INQUIRY LETTER tentang bisnis di bidang penyediaan “Alat Berat”

click to see details

3. INQUIRY LETTER tentang bisnis “Jasa Audit Keuangan”
click to see details

4.  REPLY OF THE INQUIRY LETTER tentang bisnis “Jasa Audit Keuangan”
click to see details

Note: Data diatas hanyalah contoh untuk keperluan tugas kuliah semata. Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan.

TASK 3 SOFTSKILL BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 1 "Cover Letter (Surat Lamaran) dan CV"

Nama : Adiza Larasati NPM  2B216913 Kelas : 3EB19 (Transfer) Tugas : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 # (Tugas 3) A. Berikut ini adalah ...